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User Experience vs User Interface: What’s the Difference and Why It Matters.

Vikeduonuo Behlo
9th April, 2024
5 min read
Table of Content


Have you ever wondered what makes a website or an app easy to use, attractive, and enjoyable? How do designers create digital products that meet the needs and expectations of users? What are the skills and tools that they use to achieve this?

If you are curious about these questions, you are not alone. Many people are confused about the difference between user experience (UX) and user interface (UI), two related but distinct aspects of designing digital products and services. They both aim to create a satisfying and enjoyable experience for the users, but they have different roles and responsibilities.

In this article, we will explain what UX and UI are, how they differ, and why they matter. We will also explore some of the latest trends and best practices in UX and UI design, and how you can apply them to your own projects or career. By the end of this article, you will have a better understanding of the importance and impact of UX and UI design, and how they can help you create amazing digital products and services.

What is UX (User Experience) Design?

UX stands for user experience, and it encompasses all aspects of the end-users’ interaction with a website, app, or software. UX design is the process of creating a user-friendly, intuitive, and meaningful experience for the users, by understanding their needs, goals, preferences, and behaviors.

UX design involves researching, testing, and iterating on different aspects of a digital product or service, such as:

  • The functionality and usability of the product
  • The information architecture and navigation of the product
  • The content and copywriting of the product
  • The visual design and aesthetics of the product
  • The accessibility and inclusivity of the product
  • The performance and reliability of the product
  • The feedback and support of the product

UX design is not only about making a product look good, but also about making it work well and feel good. UX design is user-centric, meaning that it focuses on solving the problems and fulfilling the desires of the users, rather than the business or the technology. UX design is also holistic, meaning that it considers the entire user journey and context, rather than isolated features or screens.

What is UI (User Interface) Design?

UI stands for user interface, and it refers to the interface through which a user interacts with a product or service. UI design is the process of creating the visual elements and layout of a product or service, such as:

  • The colors, fonts, icons, and images of the product
  • The buttons, menus, forms, and widgets of the product
  • The animations, transitions, and effects of the product
  • The tone, voice, and style of the product

UI design is how a product looks and feels, and how it communicates with the users. UI design is part of UX design, and it supports the user experience by making it more appealing, engaging, and consistent. UI design is also influenced by the brand identity, the target audience, and the platform of the product.

How do UX and UI Design Differ?

UX and UI design are different but related disciplines, and they work together to create a successful digital product or service. However, there are some key differences between them, such as:

  • UX design is more strategic and conceptual, while UI design is more tangible and specific.
  • UX design is more concerned with the user’s needs and goals, while UI design is more concerned with the user’s emotions and impressions.
  • UX design is more focused on the functionality and usability of the product, while UI design is more focused on the appearance and interaction of the product.
  • UX design is more involved in the research and testing phases of the product development, while UI design is more involved in the implementation and delivery phases of the product development.

To illustrate the difference between UX and UI design, let’s use an analogy of a car. UX design is like the engine, the transmission, the steering, and the brakes of the car. It makes the car work smoothly and efficiently, and it allows the driver to control the car easily and safely. UI design is like the body, the paint, the lights, and the dashboard of the car. It makes the car look attractive and distinctive, and it provides the driver with feedback and information.

Why do UX and UI Design Matter?

UX and UI design matter because they have a direct impact on the success and satisfaction of the users, and ultimately, the business. UX and UI design can affect the following aspects of a digital product or service:

  • User engagement and retention: UX and UI design can increase the user engagement and retention by making the product more enjoyable, relevant, and valuable for the users. A good UX and UI design can also reduce the user frustration and confusion, and increase the user trust and loyalty.
  • User conversion and revenue: UX and UI design can increase the user conversion and revenue by making the product more persuasive, compelling, and easy to use for the users. A good UX and UI design can also optimize the user flow and funnel, and increase the user action and satisfaction.
  • User feedback and advocacy: UX and UI design can increase the user feedback and advocacy by making the product more responsive, supportive, and accessible for the users. A good UX and UI design can also encourage the user feedback and reviews, and increase the user referrals and recommendations.

What are the Latest Trends and Best Practices in UX and UI Design?

Explore our blog at User Experience Trends and Best Practices for 2024 and Beyond for a wealth of knowledge and inspiration. However, UX and UI design are constantly evolving, as new technologies, platforms, and user expectations emerge and change. As a UX and UI designer, it is important to stay updated and informed about the latest trends and best practices in the field, and to apply them to your own projects or career. Here are some of the current and upcoming trends and best practices in UX and UI design.

  • Product personalization: This is a UX trend that means that 2023 will be abundant in customized experiences for users. Users want products that can adapt to their preferences, behaviors, and contexts, and provide them with personalized content, recommendations, and features. Product personalization can increase the user engagement, retention, and conversion, by making the product more relevant, valuable, and delightful for the users.
  • Enhanced cross-platform experience: This is another UX trend that stands out in 2023. Users want a smooth and consistent experience across different devices, platforms, and channels, and they expect the product to sync and transfer their data, settings, and progress seamlessly. Enhanced cross-platform experience can increase the user satisfaction, loyalty, and advocacy, by making the product more accessible, reliable, and convenient for the users.
  • Scrollytelling: This is a UI trend that involves using scroll interaction in web design, especially for landing pages, storytelling, and data visualization. Scrollytelling can create a dynamic, immersive, and interactive experience for the users, by using animations, transitions, effects, and sounds that are triggered by the scroll. Scrollytelling can increase the user attention, curiosity, and emotion, by making the product more engaging, captivating, and memorable for the users.
  • No-code tools: This is a UX and UI trend that involves using tools that allow designers to create and launch digital products and services without coding. No-code tools can empower designers to prototype, test, and iterate on their ideas faster and easier, and to collaborate and communicate with developers and stakeholders more effectively. No-code tools can also enable designers to learn new skills and expand their career opportunities.

How to Apply UX and UI Design to Your Own Projects or Career?

If you are interested in applying UX and UI design to your own projects or career, here are some steps and tips that you can follow:

  • Learn the basics and principles of UX and UI design, such as user research, user testing, wireframing, prototyping, visual design, and usability. You can find many online courses, books, blogs, podcasts, and videos that can help you learn UX and UI design.
  • Practice your skills and build your portfolio, by working on real or fictional projects that challenge you to solve user problems and create user solutions. You can find many online platforms, communities, and challenges that can help you practice UX and UI design.
  • Showcase your work and get feedback, by sharing your projects and portfolio with other designers, developers, and potential employers. You can find many online platforms, networks, and events that can help you showcase UX and UI design.
  • Keep learning and improving, by staying updated and informed about the latest trends and best practices in UX and UI design, and by applying them to your own projects or career. You can also find many online resources, mentors, and peers that can help you learn and improve UX and UI design.


UX and UI design are two related but distinct aspects of designing digital products and services. They both aim to create a satisfying and enjoyable experience for the users, but they have different roles and responsibilities. UX design is more strategic and conceptual, while UI design is more tangible and specific. UX design is more concerned with the user’s needs and goals, while UI design is more concerned with the user’s emotions and impressions. UX and UI design matter because they have a direct impact on the success and satisfaction of the users, and ultimately, the business. UX and UI design are constantly evolving, as new technologies, platforms, and user expectations emerge and change. As a UX and UI designer, it is important to stay updated and informed about the latest trends and best practices in the field, and to apply them to your own projects or career.

We hope you enjoyed this article and learned something new about UX and UI design. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to share them with us. Thank you for reading! 😊

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